
Meet Emma Grace. She is 3 months old, has a beautiful smile and loves to hear her Mommy sing A-B-C. We were supposed to meet when she was born but sometimes things don’t always go as planned so I finally got to meet her and her beautiful family a few weeks ago.
Three months can traditionally be considered a “difficult” age to photograph but this little doll was a perfect model for her session. Eye contact …and smiles are usually a bonus but Miss Emma gave us both here. I always tell my clients that there is “no wrong age” to photograph and for this session, that was the truth! Congratulations to this new family of three!

Christie L Rivera - I had seen some of Stefanie’s work before and just knew that I would want a newborn session once our lil Emma was born. As Stefanie said, things don’t always go as planned. Our Emma spent some time in the NICU. She then needed to grow to a healthy size and weight before she was allowed to be handled by others. I was worried about not being able to get those special shots that are usually captured with newborns. My expectations were exceeded. Stefanie did an amazing job. I cried tears of pride and joy as she set up each shot. I will treasure these pictures for the rest of my life.

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