Clinton, NJ Child Photographer ~Happy Birthday, Mia!~

I got to meet Mia for her first birthday cake smash in my Hunterdon County studio, right before the holidays (yes, I’m a bit behind on blogging!)! I had so much fun shopping for this winter theme in all the colors Mommy loves! Of course, as a mom of three boys, I hadn’t been covered in this much glitter in years so it made it that much more fun!

Mia was such a joy and really loved the discovery! If you think about it, a cake smash is probably one of the first times that a lot of babies are not only allowed to eat something so sweet, but also, one of the first times they’re allowed to get so messy! It’s always fun to see how they react (and how different their reaction is from what their parents predict!!). The last photo in Mia’s gallery basically went viral- it was one of my most liked photos ever, posted to my FB page with the caption: “I hope you’re Thanksgiving is THIS good.” Love it!!! I also love how creative some babies get when attempting to “taste” their cake (check out the one where leans in to lick it!). I seriously could have posted EVERY photo from this gallery!

Happy First Birthday, Mia! Thank you for allowing me to create such a fun cake smash to celebrate your milestone!!!

Kristan - Hahahahahaha!!! These are FANTASTIC!!!

I jenkins - These r the best…that last one is priceless!!!!!

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